Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crazy Snow!

So tonight as Glenn and I were working on our puzzle of none other than the Seattle Skyline, he noticed that it was snowing outside. A LOT. It seemed like a blizzard just came through town. Kind of weird if you ask me. We knew it was going to be snowing this week, but I didn't really expect much. It's all good though since we don't have to worry about driving in it. We took Rally outside to let him play in it and he just loves snow. Let me clarify, he loves snow but does not like snowmen. At one point he noticed a tiny snowman on the ground and he ran over to it and completely bit his head off. Ouch! Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year! (almost two weeks late)

Wow, I cannot believe that we are already almost two weeks into 2011! That just seems crazy to me. We celebrated the new year in a new and exciting way. Every year Seattle shoots fireworks off of the Space Needle to ring in the new year. Lucky for us, we had the best seat in the house. Our third floor deck offered us a perfect and unobstructed view of the Space Needle. It was fun getting to participate in all the excitement that the new year brings. The air was practically buzzing with excitement.

The fireworks show was absolutely beautiful and it was a great way to celebrate the end of a year and the dawning of a new one.

The year 2010 brought some really big changes for us. Obviously, Glenn was offered a fantastic opportunity with a great job here in Seattle and we took a huge leap together by moving up here. Not only did we leave jobs that we were very happy with in Phoenix, but we left behind our family and friends, and our wonderful home in Downtown Phoenix. It was an incredibly difficult move, for me especially, but I can honestly say I don't regret it one bit. We are loving everything that Seattle has to offer us and still enjoy exploring new places to go and eat on the weekends.
I'm not big on making lists or resolutions for the new year, but I do like to set some realistic goals for myself to aspire to. This year, my goals are pretty simple. First, I would like to get a job. Sleeping in, playing video games, and hanging out with the dog every day have been fun, but I would like to find a better way to spend my time. Second, I would like to get a large chunk of money put away so that I can pay for school completely when the time comes. This June will make it a year that we have lived here so that gives me residency status here (hooray in-state tuition prices!) Thankfully, if I complete my first goal I will be well on my way to the second. They pretty much go hand in hand. Third, and this one is probably on most people's list, but I would like to become healthier and more in shape. That goal is without any specifics, other than I would just like to feel and look healthier.
I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. I hope that 2011 brings you plenty of happiness and success. Love you all!