Sunday, June 13, 2010


If someone asked youto pack all of the important things that you would need into a car...could you do it? What if your car was a compact hybrid? Well that's what this is...every "essential" item in our family's life. It was a tight fit but our run-through last summer helped us figure out what we really needed to get by.

No real furniture. A lot of clothes, some kitchen gadgets, a couple laptops, a fan, a house plant, and a bunch of board games all came along as our supplies. The dog had just as much stuff: 8 toys, a bed, food, jacket, harness, and some bowls. He packed just as much as we did.

Are there things I wish we had brought? Yes. Are there things we didn't need in retrospect? I'm not sure...doesn't feel like it yet.

-- Sent from my Palm Prē

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