In case you aren't familiar with the term CSA, I will explain. For starters, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. What this means is that members of the community choose to purchase "shares" of the farm and in turn they get weekly shares of what is growing on the farm. It's very similar to the stock market in the way that you are assuming any risks that are associated with your particular stock (in this case drought, too much rain, too cold, too hot, etc.) but you are also able to reap the benefits when things are going good. In the case of a CSA when the crops aren't doing so well we won't get as much in our share for that week, or maybe the variety isn't so great. When things are going well though we might get more than expected or get lots of variety. By purchasing a CSA share you are supporting the farm and helping them to continue doing their thing.
As soon as we knew we had the house, I bought into one of the local farms. This particular one is called Terry's Berries and the farm is just sooooo cute. The people are very friendly and our produce is beautiful. You can see in the picture above that I have labeled everything we got. If it is too hard to see you should be able to click on it and see it bigger. This week we got to pick up mustard greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, rhubarb, radishes, asparagus, baby garlic, bok choy, apples, and eggs. We even got to go and pick some fresh herbs, courtesy of the farm. We grabbed a little bit of parsley, a little bit of chives, and a whole lot of oregano. The car was verrrry fragrant with all of our yummy stuff.
I'll be posting a picture every week of what we get, along with a short review of what we thought of the previous week's share. We're hoping that we might find some interesting new things to eat in the process. Plus, it's just really cool bringing home produce that was picked that same day.
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